Could you imagine if you weren’t allowed to leave your own country? Would you pay $12/hour for supervised/censured internet if your monthly salary was $25? E se você pudesse ser jogado na cadeia por sair com turistas…

Meu Quarter-Life Crisis – Reflections of a 20-Something Traveler
Minha geração, the Millennials, Geração Y, o que você quiser chamar-nos, Parece que popularizou o termo “quarter-life crisis.” They come in all shapes & tamanhos: Você é 27 e você ainda não são casados. Você é 27 and you already regret…

Why You Should Visit Glacier National Park Right Now
Eles dizem que você é ou uma pessoa de montanha ou uma pessoa de praia. Now I don’t be discriminatin between the two, but one thing is for sure – this past summer’s epic roadtrip around the USA was all about the mountains.…

We’re Driving to the End of the World, and You’re Invited
Question A for the traveler: “Where do I want to go?” Question B (which requires less daydreaming & more planning): “How do I get there?” Now I’m not talking about the vacationer. Those who have 2-3 weeks/year away from work, that…

The Badlands & Black Hills of South Dakota
South Dakota? What’s in South Dakota? We had 2,276 miles to drive to Glacier National Park in NW Montana. It was our first destination & the longest leg of our wild west USA road trip, & I didn’t see how South…

Roadtrip USA: 9,000+ miles, 17 states, $2,000, 1 summer
For the past 2 1/2 anos, I’ve been focusing on seeing the world through international travel. I’ve been quick to spend my money on flights to other countries and eager to experience the new cultures, people, & places found there. But a…

La Vida Extranjera en México – Life as a Foreigner in Mexico {PODCAST}
Bem-vindo de volta para um novo episódio de podcast de de Onde está o Gringo? No episódio de hoje 3, my friend Mateo from CICI Idiomas, a Casa International de Cultura e Idiomas (International House of Culture & Languages) com sede em Valle de Bravo, Mexico joins me.…

5 Best Things to Do in Trinidad, Cuba
Trinidad, Cuba should be a highlight of any Cuba trip. Founded over 500 years ago as one of Cuba’s original 7 Spanish “villas,” it seems as if the town is still stuck in the colonial days. Characterized by brightly colored…

Backpacking in Cuba – 4-6 Week Itineraries
Because Cuba has been shut off from capitalist principles for so long, many Cuban individuals & small businesses simply don’t understand how to market themselves & gain exposure. Combine this with the scarcity of internet, and it can become difficult to find…