“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln Most every traveler has a story from their early days of traveling (maybe the first trip), that they are…
That One Time When I Was Robbed by 8 Women in Nha Trang, Vietnam
Have you ever been robbed? I have been – twice actually. Once time I was robbed at gunpoint in Charlotte, NC. Another time I was robbed by 8 women in Nah Trang, Vietnam. They weren’t black-belt, Kung-Fu, ninja-type women either. Nope,…
How to Deal with Corrupt Police in Bali
Melhor motorista de táxi nunca “Então, o que você quer fazer aqui em Bali?” “Um, I don’t know. O de sempre - você sabe fazer alguma surf, confira alguns templos, get bit by a monkey.” Turns out the random cab driver…