People fascinate me.
How they look. How they talk. How they smell (bien, not all people smell “fascinating”). But people are definitely one of the major things that I observe and analyze while traveling.
Interacting with the local people & discovering how they live life forms an integral part of the travel experience. Il ne m'a pas fallu trop longtemps pour réaliser que la Peuple cubain était certainement un moment fort du pays.
Marcher dans les rues de Cuba, vous pouvez voir quoi que ce soit: a blonde-haired women with brown eyes, a black man with blue eyes, ou un mulatta avec des yeux vert clair. Years of interracial mixing have resulted in a rainbow-spectrum of Cubain.
Mais il ne suffit pas de leur beauté physique qui “attirer votre attention” (attire votre attention), il est aussi leur bonheur contagieux & resiliently optimistic attitudes, en dépit de la lutte quotidienne cubaine. Gardez à l'esprit que la plupart de ces peuples’ officiel monthly salary is between $15-25 USD, meaning they must find some other way to earn money & mettre de la nourriture sur la table.
I was inspired, so I decided to start a project called Faces of Cuba. I took pictures of various people, et a essayé de répondre à la plupart & discover a little bit about them. These people left an impression on me, et je l'espère à travers ces photos & brief descriptions you can begin to use your imagination & reconstituer ce qu'ils peuvent en fait être comme comme une personne, ou quel type de vie qu'ils pourraient conduire.
Faces of Cuba
This band showed up on the beach with some tropical tunes, and this drummer was by far the coolest cat in the ensemble.
A true Cuban tobacco farmer, Guillermo explained the whole Cuban tobacco process to us. He spends months planting & harvesting the tobacco, then drying & curing the leaves, only to have the government take about 90% of his product to the Cohiba factories in Havana. He hand rolled multiple stogies in front of our eyes, and we were more than happy to take a few off his hands & put some cash directly in his pocket.

Vivian. 17 years old. Part-time university student, part-time mom. Jean. 1 Age. Full-time baby. Baracoa, Cuba.
I met Ruben in the line at a corner breakfast restaurant & offered to buy him a coffee & a sandwich. In exchange for the 20 cents I spent on him, he gave me 20 minutes of his time, telling me about his life helping physically & mentally challenged children. He loves his job, said he will never retire, & plans to work until the day he dies helping others.
I never talked to him, but given that we were crammed like sardines in the back of old Soviet passenger truck with 50 other people, he must really love that guitar!
Lazaro walked past me on the sidewalk the day of a big Barcelona soccer game. I saw his jersey & asked him where he was going to watch the game. He told me about his friend who had figured out how to illegally pick-up American TV channels with his antenna, and invited me to come with him to his house. It seemed like the entire neighborhood watched the game with us, & every time Barca scored, we all jumped around, hugged each other, ran out into the streets, & screamed our victory cries to anyone who would listen. It was like we had been friends for years.
D'abord, Ramiro & I didn’t like each other, because when he greeted me with the customary “Where are you from?” (what all Cuban street hustlers say), I told him that he needed to learn some new pickup lines & he took offense. I explained to him that if he could learn some new openers in English, he would set himself apart from the rest of the street hustlers & gain more opportunities with tourists. I taught him some basic phrases. The next day I saw him again, he greeted me with a hug, and guided me all the way through the city to the museum that I was looking for, free of charge. He only asked for a picture of me, so he’d have something to remember me by.
Rodrigo told me that this statue was actually a statue of him. Even though it looks a heck of a lot like him, I’m not sure I believed him. Either way, it made for a good picture.
These 3 women work in a government-run restaurant right outside of a major tourist attraction, so there are always plenty of customers coming to eat. Despite their prime location & government support, they still suffer from what has plagued Cuba for years: shortage of products. If you notice in the background, the menu on the wall only has 3 options listed. In Cuba you don’t complain when there’s nothing more than coffee, juice, & ham sandwiches. You order, pay, & appreciate what you have.
These old fellas sit on the curb, smoke like chimneys all day, & pose for tourists’ pictures. How could you not want a snapshot of these guys? After bumping into them a few times & making some jokes, they gave me a free cigar. We puffed for a while, chatted a bit, then I went on my way.
Christopher was so proud of his dad’s eclectic catches, that he proceeded to pull each & every fish out of his burlap sack, & explain their names to me in Spanish. I can’t remember which fish this was, but it kind of looks like a Christopher fish to me (hehe).
Rafael grabbed my attention when he advertised his friend’s fruit stand by calling his mangos “mangoskies.” He was screaming, “Mangoskies, mangoskies. Ricos y frescos – llevate unos mangoskies hoy!” (Fresh & tasty mangooskies, take some with you today!) I started talking with him, and within a few minutes he was showing me his prized tattoo of the Statue of Liberty holding up the country of Cuba (his interpretation of “freedom for Cuba”). He proudly told me he was going to put his next tattoo on his chest, and it would be of Raul & Fidel Castro with their hands on Cuba, wringing it like a towel to squeeze every last drop out. alors, he passed me his phone number, & told me to call him when I come back to Cuba so I could take a new picture & put it on the internet. The mangoskies were good too.
Rosa was the matriarch figure at the Maison de Recherche in Santiago de Cuba. It didn’t matter who was currently playing live music, if she wanted to sing, she would. She’d stand up, whisper instructions to the current band, and then belt her soul out with the band newly converted into her supporting cast. Emphatic applause always ensued.
After buying a few glasses of guarapo, Danyel, Reneé & María invited me in to see their guarapera (sugar cane juice stand) first hand. They enthusiastically showed me how they make a living, & invited me to hang out & “party” with them all day. If it wasn’t my last day in Havana, I probably would have accepted the offer.
When I bought a cup of coffee from Marta & started talking with her, I could see some loneliness in her eyes. She told me that her only daughter had moved to the United States a few years ago, and she missed her fiercely. The cost of internet in Cuba is expensive, and she didn’t make enough money selling coffee to be able to afford this ability to contact her daughter. She gave me her daughter’s email address, and politely asked me to send her this picture so her daughter could how her mother looks nowadays.
Maybe you remember this little girl from the first photo in this post. After I took that photo, this little girl took my by the hand & dragged me through the entire neighborhood, looking for her grandmother so that I could show her the picture. Une fois que nous l'avons finalement trouvé, she made me take another picture of them together, then go inside & montrer à la fois des images pour le reste de sa famille. J'aurais volontiers répété tout le processus 5 times.
Le peuple cubain – Beautiful Inside & Dehors
Il y a un moment, National Geographic a publié un article à propos de Ce que les Américains va ressembler dans 2050. Well, voilà ce que les Cubains ressemblent, right maintenant.
Mais les Cubains ne sont pas seulement physiquement magnifique. Cubans are, malgré toutes les adversités de la vie à Cuba, quelques-unes des personnes les plus heureuses que je ai jamais rencontrés. Sadly, beaucoup d'étrangers ne sont jamais à connaître les Cubains parce qu'ils sont intimidés par la droiture de jineteros (arnaqueurs) dans la rue. Si l'on avait seulement creusé un peu plus profond…
“Ce n'est pas facile” (Ce n'est pas facile) est pas peu dire populaire, vous entendrez les Cubains disent quotidienne, et il décrit la vie à Cuba parfaitement. Avec des produits limités en raison d'un embargo commercial, libertés limitées en raison de leur gouvernement, & pratiquement pas de luxe, ni le revenu disponible, il pourrait être facile de penser que les Cubains serait amère & les gens du ressentiment. Instead, J'ai rencontré un joyeux & personne contenu après l'autre.
Voyager à travers Cuba vous rappelle d'être heureux avec ce que vous avez & to appreciate the simple things in life. It’s a stark contrast with the dangerous cycle of consumerism which characterizes many other countries.
You don’t need a lot of things to be happy – il suffit de regarder les visages de Cuba.
Want to see more of the beautiful Cuban people? Check out Faces of Cuba Part 2!
Hi Ford, Thanks for this beautiful post. I love the photos and descriptions of the people you’ve met in Cuba, and your thoughts and impressions. I would love to visit Cuba.
I appreciate the kind words Russell! They won’t be forgetting them any time soon! You should go soon before it changes!
These pictures are beautiful and really capture the diversity. This looks like a CNN travel spread
These pictures are absolutely beautiful. There is so much diversity. This looks like a CNN travel spread.
Haha CNN travel spread eh? Get them to hire me then! Just kidding – thanks for the flattering words.
Mon poste préféré jusqu'à! Quelles belles personnes.
Je suis heureux que vous ayez aimé Avril, il est à moi peut-être trop. Je veux être un Cubain quand je serai!
Mon Glennis m'a vendu Guarapo! sans aucun doute, Je suis venu ici parce que je me suis souvenu que Jorge (Camagüey) Je l'avais appelé mon blog.
salutations 🙂
Puis, Je suis heureux que vous êtes venu dans mon blog! J'espère que vous continuez votre visite et commentaires ami, y dile a Jorge “gracias” para mi!
jejejejeej no puedo creerlo, un abrazo a estos 2 chicos geniales q conoci gracias a cs, sigan haciendo de sus experiencias las nuestras tambien !!!!
First time viewing your Cuban blog beautiful
Thanks Bonnie I’m glad you enjoyed it. Cuba has influenced me more than I can articulate in blog posts
Pingback: A (Très) Rapide 2015 Recap and 2016 Perspective - Où est le Gringo?
Pingback: Incredibly Detailed One Month Itinerary for Cuba - Hippie dans les talons
Cool blog bro!
Wonderful pics!
Thanks a lot man!
Avez-vous déjà courriel la fille de Maria Perez sa photo? Et at-elle répondu? ???
Oui je l'ai fait, mais elle n'a jamais répondu :(((
J'aime les messages de blog que vous avez écrit sur Cuba.And j'aime surtout vos visages de blog de Cuba. I was so touched that you took the time to get to know the people behind the faces. My husband and I and our 3 youngest children are traveling to Cuba the end of July for 10 days. I want so much to connect with the Cuban people.I dont know any Spanish.Were there many people you talked with who spoke English? We are staying in Habana Centro for a few days and i am looking forward to walking through the neighborhoods and getting to know the the local people. They are amazing people and are doing so much to strenghten their society. Also. I read your Utah blog. i live in Utah and am glad you enjoyed Utah so much!! We love it here!
Félicitations pour le blog, très intuitif et plein d'informations, continuer à améliorer et apporter des nouvelles…