When you think of Costa Rica, you think of the beach. Sure you’ve got the rain forest, the volcanoes, the monkeys, & the rivers, but most people go to Costa Rica to get some serious beach bumming in. In fact, Costa Rica beach vacations are so advertised & common these days, that I didn’t want to write this post at first. There were 14,300,000 results when I Googled «Costa Rica beaches,» so it’s actually a pretty dumb idea for me to spend my time in creating the 14,300,001st.
So why am I doing this then, you ask? Because I truly feel that I have found the most beautiful beach in Costa Rica. I lived in Costa Rica for about 8 meses & visited my fair share of beaches, & I think I’ve found the holy grail. In the province of Guanacaste, out on the Nicoya Peninsula, a few kms to the north of the beach town Sámara, you’ll find Playa Barrigona. The perfect combination of beauty & tranquility, but also adventure.
I say «adventure» because getting to this beach is a journey in itself. Let me make this clear – getting to Playa Barrigona is NOT easy. You’ll need detailed instructions on how to find it, and I never would never found it if I didn’t have some locals to show me the way. I’ll be your “local” in just a minute & tell you how to get there, but first let me describe why you should go in the first place.
Why You Should Go to Playa Barrigona
To get a tan, and be like, hotter….duh!
Just kidding. The real reasons are below:
The water – super blue & clear, great for swimming/snorkeling etc.
The sand – light-colored & powdery, squeaky & clean
The waterfall – yes, there is a waterfall that gushes down onto the beach from the mountains, especially in rainy season, & provides a fresh water source
The waves – surfer’s paradise, tasty tubes & bodacious barrels all day long
The seclusion – high possibility of you being the only soul in sight, which can be hard to accomplish in Costa Rica
The landscape – the beach is flanked on both ends by towering cliffs with luscious vegetation & trees that grow in weird angles towards the sea
Mel Gibson – a beach so beautiful, he himself tried to buy the whole thing a few years ago & got in trouble. He settled instead by building a 500 acre retreat in the mountains above the beach, & now he’s trying to sell it. From what I understand, he hasn’t sold it yet, so if you bump into anyone on Barrigona, it might be Braveheart himself
Directions on How to Get to Playa Barrigona:
Hay two buses you can take from San Jose that will get you close to Playa Barrigona: the bus to Sámara – most common & popular, & bus to Nosara – more «direct» service to Playa Barrigona. From my memory there are 2 buses that depart to Nosara each day, and about 4 a day to Sámara. Schedules & times can be confirmed using this website. It is not easy to get to Playa Barrigona, & after reading the following instructions, you might start wondering if it’s worth all the trouble – but trust me it is.
Via bus to Sámara
This is the most common route because Sámara is a fun beach town with good parties, so most people will want to spend some Pura Vida time there anyways. Playa Barrigona is 2 beaches to the north of Sámara, and can be walked on the back/dirt roads in about 1 ½ hours IF it is not the rainy season. This route includes multiple river crossings, that would either 1) not be possible during the rainy season due to gushing currents, or 2) not advised due to caiman crocodiles. As you’re walking along the roads, ask anyone you see «Como llego a la Ferreteria Coyote?» (How do I arrive at Ferreteria Coyote? – a local tool store), and they will point you in the right direction.
During the rainy season, you will have to take a taxi to Playa Barrigona via Highway 150, which will cost about $15-20. El taxi le dejará en el camino de tierra que conduce a la playa & colinda con el rancho de Mel Gibson. Tendrá que caminar a la final 15 minutos por la carretera a la playa, porque es terriblemente lavado & inaccesibles a los coches que no son 4×4.

Esta es la única manera en la estación lluviosa. Aunque parece que hay una ruta más corta, no hay puente en el cruce del río, dejándolo untraversable
En Autobús a Nosara
El autobús más "directa", especialmente si usted no está planeando en ir a Samara, sería el autobús que sale desde San José por un pueblo llamado Nosara. Playa Barrigona está situado entre Samara & Nosara, & sabrá que estás acercando cuando se detiene en la estación de servicio ubicada en la tenedor grande en forma de Y en el camino – izquierda va a Samara, la derecha va a Nosara. Después de que los tenedores de bus derecha, usted continuará un poco más de km & tendrá que bajar en la Barco Quebrada parada de autobús, que no es más que un banco & un techo (estar seguro & decirle al conductor que quiere bajar allí!).
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Después de bajar & el autobús rueda en el camino asfaltado, mira detrás tuyo & verá un restaurante llamado negro Marlin es decir, en la esquina de un camino de tierra. Vas a tomar el camino de tierra (ya adivinado ese derecho?) de tal 2-3 km de a pie o en auto-stop. Continúe hasta que vea una granja cercado en el masivo a la derecha con el pastoreo de ganado a través de pastos verdes brillantes. Esa es la almohadilla de Mel Gibson. Hay cámaras por todas partes, así que ni siquiera pensar en entrar ilegalmente & tratando de «bache» en él – probablemente no es allí de todos modos. Sigue caminando hasta que los cercos se detienen & habrá otro camino de tierra a la derecha. Tome ese camino, ya casi estás ahí! 15 más minutos a pie le llevará a través de unos agujeros de barro & arriba & sobre una última colina, antes de llegar a la playa & llegando en el paraíso.
Camping or El Castillo?
Si desea descomprimir totalmente & desconectar del mundo, Playa Barrigona es ciertamente digno de unos pocos días de su tiempo. A menos que usted está dispuesto a soltar algo de dinero en taxis que van hacia atrás & otro entre Sámara & Barrigona (podrían ser barato si es compartido con otras personas), tendrá que tampoco:
- Campamento en Playa Barrigona (muy recomendable)
- Permanecer en el albergue de mi amigo en Playa Buena Vista – El Castillo
El mejor lugar para acampar está en el extremo norte de la playa, donde los árboles proporcionan un tono más cómoda & la arena nunca se sintió más suave. La cascada se encuentra en el extremo sur de la playa, por lo que tendrá que hacer viajes periódicos para rellenar el agua, tomar baños, etc. La playa es pequeña, así que no es un gran problema.
Los árboles están espaciados perfectamente para colgar hamacas, tendederos, & encadenar su comida hasta, & usted comenzará a preguntarse si este es el mejor camping en la tierra. Ver puestas de sol del Pacífico de Costa Rica desde la comodidad de su hamaca probablemente añadida 5 en años de mi vida. Renuncia: No dejar nada de valor en la arena durante toda la noche, o puede despertarse a la misma destruido por los cangrejos ermitaños. toalla de mi hermano de Brasil fue masticada por los cientos de cangrejos que salen al atardecer / noche. Ellos son divertidos de ver, aunque!
Staying at El Castillo Hostel
Mis amigos que me mostraron Playa Barrigona corren un albergue en la esquina norte de Playa Buena Vista. Es justo al sur de Barrigona, A la vuelta de la esquina, y es un hostal aislado que la multitud no puede quedarse en acampar. «El castillo» fue construido en la década de los 80 fuera de la arena de la playa por un hippie alemán, luego abandonó después de muchas partes psicodélicas, & adoptado desde entonces & renovado un poco por algunos de mis amigos de Gringolandia.
El albergue es ahora dirigido por un tipo llamado Chico, probablemente el tipo más cool de Costa Rica en Guanacaste. Las habitaciones de El Castillo son bastante baratos, corriendo sobre $10-15 una noche, pero que el precio incluye la amistad de Chico – lo que abre un mundo de oportunidades. Chico ama el surf & has boards to rent for dirt cheap. He regularly supplements his diet with his latest spearfishing catch, & can show you other hidden treasures like waterfalls & wildlife. además, for a few bucks, you can arrange Chico to come pick you up from Sámara on his motorcycle, and could solve some of your transportation problems. El Castillo is located at the end of the same road that the Ferreteria Coyote is on, and Chico’s cell phone is +506-8355-6146.
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My Kind of Beach
Everyone has their own preferences in what makes a beach beautiful – the surfer would be looking for the biggest waves, the scuba diver would be looking for the best coral, the family might prefer something easily accessible with lifeguards & safety precautions, or the 19-year old party girl would be looking for great nightlife & activities on the beach.
I well understand that my definition of “most beautiful beach” may not be the same as yours – and that’s okay. But if you’re truly looking for an off-the-beaten path experience, instead of just claiming that’s what you love like most travelers, then Playa Barrigona will not disappoint. Please go see for yourself & let me know what you think, or write me if you have any further questions.
Happy exploring & Pura Vida!
Love your blog, Vado!
I had been saying I wanted to escape to Costa Rico this year, and you just convinced me!! May need your advice on planning a trip there!
Thanks Marcy! Def go to Costa Rica – you won’t regret it. Whenever you’re about to take the plunge, let me know & I’ll help you plan some stuff for sure!
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Pingback: Mel Gibson vende megavilla en playa Barrigona: $29,75 millones - Puro Periodismo
Hey. I encorage you to keep local’s secret, secret… as they are, cause most problems come from massive tourism. SO PLEASE, RESPECT THE SECRET, THE KNWLEDGE, THE CULTURE AND THE LAND AND TRY TO DO A RESPECTFUL TOURISM.
BTW, Mel Gibson got into trouble with the people that lived there cause he wanted to make the beach private, and didnt agree with the authorities to allow to make public THE path from the road to playa Barrigona that happen to pass trough a small part of his «owned land». He did not agree, he did not give a fuck about other people, so he was not welcome anymore.
Please stop the capitalistic madness, respect locals secrets, and dont mess up.
and one last thing. pleeeease learn correctly the verb «to be». cause its not the same estar and ser….. Its «SOY FORD» not «ESTOY FORD», cause what you are saying there its that you are feeling like a ford. Just that. Be a responsable gringo okey?