Onde está o Gringo?

American Fear of Traveling Abroad – You’re Not Going to Die!

I consistently get questions, warnings, & advice from all sorts of people about my safety while traveling. At first I thought that this was just a temporary thing. I thought that after I uploaded a certain amount of Facebook pictures showing that I was perfectly fine, or after returning home safe & sound after so many trips, that the questions about my impending doom would stop. But boy was I wrong. After being on the road for a few years, the questions & warnings have not stopped, but maybe even increased. I have heard the following, or something similar, more times than I can count:

“Isn’t it really dangerous where you are?”

“Do you have kidnapping insurance?”

“Please be careful, it’s not safe over there.”

“We’re praying for you. Come back to us safely!”

I know that this isn’t just my family & friends who worry like this, because almost every time I see another friend post travel plans on Facebook, the majority of the comments read like the above.

I appreciate the prayers and general concern, I really do (Lord knows they have helped me out!), and it’s always nice to let someone know you care. Also I want to be clear when I say that the purpose of this article is not to criticize anyone, nor how they express their feelings towards loved ones. But I do want to use this article to examine some reasons why Americans fear traveling abroad, help show that traveling is not dangerous, & maybe inspire you to go to that one place you have been wondering about.

“They” Say It’s Dangerous

They said not to go there. They told me that I would get kidnapped. They have been there, e they don’t recommend that I go. One thing that I’ve learned from traveling is that NOWHERE is as dangerous as they say it is.

Who is they? The news, the reports, the studies, your parents, just….they. Why do they say that it is dangerous there? Because unfortunately shocking, scary, terrible news is the kind that generates ratings, sells, & spreads. The good stories are made into documentaries or 60-minute specials, the bad ones make the headlines and scare people.

Remember that story about the little Peruvian girl who almost died, but then received a heart transplant at the last second from an American donor? The story with the happy ending where the girl went on to lead a full life, showing the good of humanity as it transcends international borders? BORING. A plane crash! An earthquake that kills 2,000 people! New ISIS beheading video! Now THAT’s exciting stuff.

Ele não apenas parecer que a esmagadora maioria das últimas notícias são negativas na natureza, mas também que muitas delas são também drasticamente exagerado. Lembre-se de Natalee Holloway? É terrível foi que lhe aconteceu, & Eu sinto muito por sua família, mas quanto tempo foram canais de notícias que executam a história de infortúnio de uma pessoa em um país diferente?

Claro, ninguém tinha tempo para esquecer…

ebola jokeO lixo Ebola foi o maior circo da mídia sensacionalista que eu vi desde Y2K. Which reminds me, não jogue os Como: Apocalipse livros de distância apenas ainda, porque eu ouvi que eles só encontraram uma parte que falta do calendário maia que disse Y2K realmente vem a 2016, devido a uma má interpretação causada pela posição do cometa céus bloqueiam que era visível nessa altura, which confused Nostradamus’ prediction.

end of the world meme

The point is that if you really allow what “they” say on the news to define your comfort zone, influence your opinions, & inform you about the rest of the world, you won’t ever travel anywhere, except maybe on a cruise.

But What About Travel Advisories?

The travel advisories issued by the US Department of State. They exist to warn US citizens of the potential dangers involved when traveling outside of the country. In theory, they are appreciated, precautionary updates that keep us informed, but they will scare the bejesus out of you if you take them too seriously, and are certainly not immune to the sensationalist generalism that taints most media.

Let’s take where I am right now, Mexico, por exemplo. Currently Mexico is on the US State Department’s travel warning list, a list of countries which the US government wants you to “consider very carefully whether you should go to this country at all” (it’s right there on the website, read it). Just think for a moment how ridiculous that statement is.

I’ll rephrase it so maybe you can understand a little better: The US government is suggesting that it’s not smart to step foot, ANYWHERE in Mexico, the 13th largest country in the world, for fear of being put in immediate danger. I can understand travel warnings for US citizens in countries such as Iraq & Syria due to obvious reasons, but come on man, you’re telling me that I should reconsider going to Cancun this spring break for risk of the Mexican drug cartel snatching me out of Señor Frogs?

There is no denying that Mexico has some problems with organized crime right now, but I think it’s a little unfair to classify an entire country as “dangerous” due to activities that happen in a certain area of that country. But, let’s play along for a minute. Take a look at this map, then meet me below for some thoughts:

medo americano de viajar

Fonte: CDC, 2012

Looks like Phoenix, Arizona has about the same gun murder rate as Mexico – where’s the travel warning there?

What did you say? You’re heading to Miami for some clubbing & fun in the sun on South Beach? Well, I’ve just seen the stats and I have to say, “I want you to consider very carefully whether you should go there at all.”

And don’t even think about those Mardi Gras plans in New Orleans this year. Getting those beads on Bourbon Street will be the last thing you do before dying a bloody death. Afinal, New Orleans has about the same gun murder rate as Honduras (another country on the travel warning list). I want you to consider very carefully whether you should go there at all.

Random, mind-blowing side stat: Washington DC has a higher HIV rate than many countries in West Africa. Do you hear travel advisories about the capital of the United States of America? Are you scared to go see the Lincoln Memorial for fear of dying of AIDS? Eu quero dizer, you could slip on a banana peel & land on a used heroin needle – anything is possible right?

You see where I’m going here? Why doesn’t the entire United States of America put itself on a travel advisory warning to protect ourselves from each other? Well, porque o primeiro fora, isso é apenas um disparate parvo, mas também porque o que acontece em certas regiões de um país não é necessariamente reflexo de outros, muito menos o país como um todo.

Pro Tip: Não Junte-se à cartel de drogas mexicano

Apesar da possibilidade de ter um ouro maciço AR-15.  Crédito: everydaynodaysoff.com

Apesar da possibilidade de ter um ouro maciço AR-15. Crédito: everydaynodaysoff.com

Vamos continuar com a América Latina, considerado pela Jornal de Wall Street & várias outras publicações, como o região mais perigosa do mundo.

Muitas partes da América Latina tornaram-se violentos ao longo dos anos, em grande parte devido à produção & transporte de cocaína. As pessoas têm vindo a tomar sobre os riscos de tráfico de drogas para escapar da pobreza em todos os custos, e o maior & baddest subiram ao topo. A maioria dos assassinatos & crimes violentos na América Latina são de alguma forma relacionado com este narcotraficante (tráfico de drogas) mundo, como há muito dinheiro em jogo. A verdade da questão é se você não usar drogas, ir à procura de drogas, consumir drogas, ou vender drogas, suas chances de estar em uma situação perigosa só caiu massivamente.

Also, Muitas pessoas têm medo de ser sequestrado no México ou outros países latino. A esmagadora maioria desses seqüestros, once again, não têm como alvo estrangeiros ou turistas. A maioria dos seqüestros envolvem empresários ricos, políticos, ou pessoas conhecidas dentro da comunidade para ter muito dinheiro. estrangeiros & turistas geralmente não são alvo de sequestros porque:

  • Os bandidos não sei se você tem um monte de dinheiro ou não
  • Os bandidos sabem que o dinheiro que você precisa está em contas no estrangeiro, Por conseguinte, é mais difícil & mais arriscado para extrair
  • Kidnappings usually take time to plan. estrangeiros & tourists normally pass through destinations, and do not give the bad guys enough time to do research on you & study your schedule

I personally have been traveling through Latin America for almost 1 1/2 years now, including more than 5 months in Mexico. I have been to numerous zones that are considered dangerous, and instead of being kidnapped, robbed, or killed, I have found nothing but smiling faces & open arms. You know where I have been robbed though? Charlotte, North Carolina. The real killer of Americans abroad? Traffic accidents.

I know all of this sounds kind of scary, but it’s fine out here, I promise! Sure innocent foreigners have been in the wrong place at the wrong time (like Natalee Holloway) & have had something bad happen to them, but these incidents are few & far between. The important thing is that you…

Use o senso comum, Seja esperto (duh)

coisas ruins podem acontecer em qualquer lugar, mas se você simplesmente usar um pouco de bom senso & critério, e não tornar-se um alvo, você deve ser seguro:

  • NÃO use flashy, Jóia de ouro. Você não é o senhor T
  • Não andar sozinho à noite. Você não é Batman.
  • Não fique muito bêbado. Você não estiver familiarizado com o seu entorno.
  • NÃO comprar cocaína. Evitar lidar com os criminosos a todo o custo.
  • NÃO comprar prostitutas. Além de ser simplesmente errado & patético, turismo sexual leva-lhe maus lugares.
  • NÃO utilizar o seu telefone & câmera discretamente, se possível.
  • Do evitar regiões mais pobres da cidade. Pergunte onde eles estão localizados, se você não sabe
  • NÃO carregar muito dinheiro, nem flash-lo. Você não precisa puxar maços quando pagar por um $.50 sorvete
  • NÃO usar táxis oficiais, e obter hotéis / restaurantes de chamá-los para você
  • DEVE ler meu blog post sobre sendo roubado por 8 mulheres no Vietnã para um exemplo do que não usar o bom senso quando se viaja olhares como

Não tenha medo de viajar para novos lugares!

A segurança é sempre um tema vale a pena discutir e levar a sério, independentemente de onde pode ser um. Mas não se associar automaticamente o desconhecido com perigo & uma falta de segurança. What is perigoso é deixar inclinada, Especiais Notas overdramatic, estatísticas distorcidas, e alertas de viagem ainda de Estado dos EUA Departamento emitidos formular o seu veredicto final & intimidá-lo de viajar para ver um novo lugar para si mesmo.

E só para terminar em uma final, surpreendente, “woah, Nada é o que parece” note, próxima vez que alguém avisa sobre os perigos de viajar para fora dos Estados Unidos, dizer-lhes sobre o Índice Global da Paz (GPI).

medo americano de viajar

The Índice Global da Paz is measured using a wide range of indicators to determine & gauge the peacefulness of the countries of the world. It takes into account statistics like crime levels, political instability, number of deaths from internal & external conflicts, & terroristic activities, amongst other things. Out of 162 countries ranked on the 2014 GPI scale, the United States ranked #101. That’s correct, the USA is the 101st most peaceful country in the world.

According to this study endorsed by experts around the world, including the Dalai Lama & former president Jimmy Carter, most of the countries in the world are more peaceful & safe than the USA. They didn’t tell you that in the news, did they? Take that, scared Americans!

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and go traveling! The world is a lot safer, and people a lot nicer than you think. When you finally see that for yourself, then you’ll REALLY catch the travel bug. Then who knows, maybe you won’t be able to stop!

Why do you think many Americans are scared to travel? If you’re American, what are some fears that you may have? What have you heard about other countries that makes you reluctant to go? Don’t be ashamed, I was the same way before I started traveling. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

11 comentários sobre “American Fear of Traveling Abroad – You’re Not Going to Die!

  1. Pingback: 10 Reasons to Teach English in Costa Rica

  2. Wiese

    This has always been an interesting topic to me. Usually someone’s heard a story from someone else, about someone else’s 8th cousin thrice removed who was told about a bad experience in Vietnam by a guy named Ford. You’re right, a lot of it is that so many of the worriers simply haven’t traveled much, and usually watch too much Fox News Travel Edition (I sorta wish that existed, for the laughs). The only time I’ve ever felt at all unsafe traveling was while paying to use a indoor cinder block wall rest area in the middle of the night halfway between Kolkata and Siliguri. You’re right, it’s all about avoiding the areas where you shouldn’t be, avoiding the people with whom you shouldn’t be, and avoiding doing the things you shouldn’t do. Sounds like common sense to me.

    PS: Thanks for including a map that shows my current country of residence as being red and in the Bottom 20%. Now NO ONE will come visit me for fear of death.

    1. fordquarterman Autor do artigo

      Common sense common sense. The reason I don’t want to come visit is because I don’t want to have to look at half nude pictures of Vladimir Putin mounting grizzly bears like Aragorn riding into battle in Middle Earth everywhere. lol

  3. Pingback: We're Driving to the End of the World, and You're Invited - Onde está o Gringo?

  4. Terclinger,,en,Isso é um AK,,en,não é um AR15,,en,Obrigado pela sua contribuição,,en

    “Apesar da possibilidade de ter um ouro maciço AR-15”

    Thats an AK, not an AR15.

  5. Sylvester


    Ficar em um airbnb em airbnb de sua tia (Eu acho que é o seu lol tia). Ela é a esposa de um homem chamado Russell. Anyways, Russell me contou sobre o seu blog como eu também amo a vida viagem e foram viver em Medellín, Colômbia por quase um ano agora. Tudo yo disse foi local. É engraçado como todo mundo que me disse colombiano era perigoso ou que eu iria ser seqüestrado nunca tinha estado lá….Like you said, basta usar o bom senso quando você viajar. De qualquer jeito, grandes posts

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